usd, to view the converted USDZ result, customize material properties with your own textures, and edit file metadata. Simply drag-and-drop common 3D file formats, such as.usdc file that contains all the defintions you need for the model (things like animation or material definitions) and a collection of all the. A USDZ file is actually a collection of assets: the.ZIP archive that stores a Universal Scene Description (.USD, USDA, or USDC) file, which includes 3D geometry and shading data.USDZ files may also contain. A USDZ file contains a 3D scene or object saved in the USDZ Universal format, which is developed by Apple and Pixar Animation Studios.Upload USDZ OR Reality Files Users Profile Log In Bubble Wrap.Batch conversion of up to 10 files a time. Convert 3D Models online for free - OBJ, STL, 3DS, Collada, DXF, LWO, MDL, MD2, MD3 (Quake) and 30 more formats supported.